Find Square root of 4062 by Prime factorization ?

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Find Square root of 4062 by Prime factorization ? So the square root of 4062 is 63.733821....


⇨To find the square root of 4062 by prime factorization we have to find the prime factors of 4062.

⇨ So here is the prime factors of 4062
⇨ 4062 = 2 x 3 x 677

⇨ From the above prime factors we can see that there is no pair of any prime factor, Which concludes 4062 is not a square number and do not have any square root.

⇨ Conclusion : 4062 doesn't have square root and we are unable to find the square root of 4062 by prime factorization method.

⇨ But we can calculate the square root of 4062 by division method.
             __  __
     6 |   4 0 6 2 ( 6 3 . 7  3
+   6 | - 3 6            
    1 2 3 |  4 6 2   
      +  3 | -3 6 9   
    1 2 6 7 |   9 3 0 0  
          + 7 | - 8 8 6 9
     1 2 7 4 3 |  4 3 1 0 0
              + 3 | -3 8 2 2 9    
     1 2 7 4 6 3 |  4 8 7 1 0 0
⇨ And so on .......
⇨ So the square root of 4062 is 63.733821....
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