B.Sc-Zoology Major-2.1-Animal Diversity-2-Sessional -Question Paper-2018

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B.Sc-2nd Semester-Zoology Major-2.1Animal Diversity-2-Sessional -Question Paper-2018,2018

Zoology (Major)
(Animal Diversity-2)
Full Marks:60
Time:3 Hours

1. Answer the following as directed:    1x7=7
(a) Name the Amphibia which carries its youngs on its back.
(b) " The Fall Of Sparrow" Who wrote this book.
(c) In singing birds, Sound is produces by-   (Choose the correct answer)
    (i) Air sac
    (ii) Syrinx
    (iii) Larynx
(d) Fangs of poisonous snake are modified maxillary teeth.Is it true ?
(e) Hemichordates are also called ..................(Fill in the blanks).
(f) New world monkeys have prehensile tail but prehensile tail is absent in old world monkeys.(Write true or false)
(g) Electric organs are modified muscles.(Write Yes or No)

2. Answer the following questions:    2x4=8
(a) All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates. Why ?    2
(b) What are cartilaginous fishes ? Give on example.    1+1=2
(c) Define autonomy. What is its significance ?    1+1=2
(d) Write a note on weberian ossicles.

3. Answer  any three of the following questions:    5x3=15
(a) What is missing link ? Seymouria is connecting link between amphibians and reptiles. Discuss it.    1+4=5
(b) " Birds are glorified reptiles" Justify it.    5
(c) Why are birds and mammals called homeothermal animals ?    5
(d) Distinguish between aestivation hibernation.    21/2+21/2=5
(e) Discuss the structure and evolutionary significance of ammocoete larva.    21/2+21/2=5

4. Answer any three questions of the following:    10x3=30
(a) Why is Balanoglossus considered to be very close to Echinodermata ? Write the chordate affinities of Balanoglossus.    5+5=10
(b) What is retrogressive metamorphosis ? How does it differ from progressive metamorphosis ? Discuss the phenomena by giving an account.    1+3+6=10
(c) What are the different types of swim bladder ? Describe the modifications of swim bladder in different fishes.    3+7=10
(d) How can you distinguish a poisonous snake from a non poisonous one ? Discuss about poison apparatus and biting mechanism of a poisonous snake.    2+2+6=10
(e) What is an air sac ? How many air sacs are  found in birds ? Mention the benefits obtained by a bird from the air sacs.    2+5+3=10
(f) What is dentition ? Discuss the dentition pattern with mammalian reference.Mention its significance.    2+6+2=10
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