B.Sc-Zoology Major-1.2-Animal Diversity-Sessional -Question Paper-2017

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B.Sc-1st Semester-Zoology Major-1.2 Animal Diversity Sessional Question Paper-2017,2017,Zoology Major-1.2,Animal Diversity,thebioticworld.blogspot.com

Zoology (Major)
(Animal Diversity)
Full Marks:60
Time:3 Hours

1. Answer the following questions:    1x7=7
(a) Name a multi-nucleated protozoa.
(b) Name any one type of spicules found in Porifera.
(c) What is the function of statocyst in prawn.
(d) What is Hexacanth ?
(e) Whati is Hermaphroditism ?
(f) Which larva of Mollusca is an Ectoparasite of fishes ?
(g) Name the larval forms of Asterias.

2. Answer the following questions:    2x4=8
(a) What hepatopancreas ? How does it help in digestion in Prawn ?
(b) Write the significance of polymorphism in Siphonophora.
(c) Describe the salient features of Miracidium Larva.
(d) Describe the structure and function of compound eye.

3. Answer any three questions:    5x3=15
(a) Describe the locomotion in Protozoa.
(b) What are Endoparasites ? Describe the parasitic adaptation of Ascaris lumbricoides.
(c) Write note on the larval forms Echinodermata.
(d) Why is Peripatus is known as connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda ?
(e) Define Pre-erythrocytic schizogony of sporozoite in liver of infected Animal.

4. Answer the following questions:    10x3=30
(a) What is nutrition ? Describe the mode of nutrition in Protozoa with suitable examples.    2+8=10
What is canal system ? Describe the canal system found in sponge with diagram.    3+7=10

(b) Give details of the life cycle, pathogenecity and prophylaxes measures of Ancylostoma duodenale.    6+2+2=10
Describe the life history and parasitic adaptation of Fasciola hepatica.    8+2=10

(c) Describe the salient characters of phylum Mollusca and classify the class Gastropoda up to order with suitable examples.    4+6=10
Write a note on water vascular system in Echinodermata with its significance.    8+2=10
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