B.Sc-Zoology Major-2.2-Ecology-WCM-Sessional -Question Paper-2018

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B.Sc-2nd Semester-Zoology Major-2.2-Ecology-WCM-Sessional -Question Paper-2018,B.Sc,Education,Previous Question Papers,Zoology:2.2-Question Paper,RTU

Paper : 2.1
Ecology-Wildlife Conservation And Management
Full Marks : 60
Time : 3 Hours

1. Choose the correct answer of the following:   1x7=7
(a) Which of the following is not correct for a natural ecosystem ?
    (i) Exchange both matter and energy with their environment.
    (ii) Thermodynamically not in equilibrium.
    (iii) Thermodynamically in a steady  state.
    (iv) Exchange energy but not matter.

(b) Hoolock Gibbon is confined to which part of Assam ?
    (i) Northern part of the river Brahmaputra.
    (ii) Southern part of the river Brahmaputra.
    (iii) Entire Assam.
    (iv) Chakrashilla wildlife sanctuary.

(c) Feral horse is found to which of the following ?
    (i) Kaziranga National Park.
    (ii) Manas National Park.
    (iii) Orang National Park.
    (iv) Dibru- Saikhuwa National Park.

(d) For a biosphere reserve, which of the following is not true ?
    (i) Ecosystem oriented.
    (ii) Human beings are integral part of the system.
    (iii) Under the sovereign jurisdiction of National Government.
    (iv) Sustainable use of the natural resources of the sites.

(e) The ecological study of individual organism or species is called ?
    (i) Autecology.
    (ii) Community Ecology.
    (iii) Synecology.
    (iv) Population Ecology.

(f) Which of the following is correctly matched ?
    (i) Kaziranga - Pigmy Hog.
    (ii) Manas - Pigmy Hog.
    (iii) Pabitora - Pigmy Hog.
    (iv) Dibru - Saikhuwa - Pigmy Hog.

(g) If the total population of mature individuals of a species is 49 individuals, then which is the following threatened categories will  fall ?
    (i) Vulnerable.
    (ii) Endangered.
    (iii) Critically Endangered.

2. Answer the following :   2x4=8
(a) "Detritus and grazing food chain cannot operate independently." Justify with suitable examples.

(b) The pyramid of energy is always upright." Explain.

(c) " The flow of energy in the ecosystem is always unidirectional." What would it have been if it was ' Bidirectional' ?

(d) Why does the number of trophic level seldom exceed six ?

3. Answer any three of the following:   5x3=15
(a) Differentiate between the in-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation of wildlife.

(b) What are the two criteria of the Kaziranga National Park  that it could achieved the status of world heritage site by UNESCO ?

(c) Write briefly the man and biosphere program of UNESCO.

(d) List the National Parks of North-East India with their states.

(e) Write a short note on Savana biome.

4. What is the IUCN Category ? Write a note on how a species is assayed in the category of critically endangered (CR) by the IUCN.   10
 Define hunting according to the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Write the salient features of the wildlife protection act, 1972.   2+8=10

5. Distinguish between the ecological carrying capacity. Explain the ecological carrying capacity in the light of different limiting factors and their impacts on the wildlife population and it's habitats.   2+4+4=10
What are the different air pollutants ? Write briefly the different sources of air pollution and their harmful effects on living organisms.   2+4+4=10

6. Enumerate the different roles fore the care and attention to maintain the different levels of family ties in the light of morphological and sexual dimorphism of the individual members of non-human primates.
What do you mean by ecosystem ? Explain the energy flow in the ecosystem follows the second law of thermodynamics.
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