How Lock Down Effect the world-Corona Virus

Lock Down, corona virus and COVID-19 Now a days this words are in trending. Actually the situation is too drastic even we can't explain these situation or crisis in words.

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How Lock Down Effect the world-Corona Virus

We all know very well How corona becomes a pandemic in very short period of time.

How it is originated from China and and spread through out the world, and makes an control over all human community.

Different people have different opinion about this stupid corona virus some says it is "KARMA " some says it is about the carelessness of China and some says it's all fault of Human beings.

I don't know whether this corona virus is a result of our "KARMA" OR fault of China or fault of human beings.

But one thing we all know that everything has two sides one is negative and other is positive side. Let's talks about this both side of a single crisis i.e. Corona Virus that causes COVID-19.

Negative Effects Of Corona

1.Believe On Others

Due to this havoc corona disease people never going to trust on anyone even we are not going to trust on our family member too.

As this disease is transferable from one infected person to other, now we are becoming more selfish thinking about yourself only.

This thinking is good or it's totally depends on that person who is suffering from this situation or this thought may vary from person to person.

2. Relation With Nearby

We are not going to more familiar with our neighbors unlike the time before corona crisis. All that familiar talks that we had in our past is going to no more present in future.

It may happen that in any problem our neighbors are not going to help us even in that situation.

3. Economical Crisis

COVID-19 played a disaster role to decrease the GDP of our India. A huge increase in public profit fund or care fund makes our economy weaker.

4. Loss Of Humanity

Now a days situation is to critical throughout the world. Even during this corona crisis some people of our own country sells the market products over its margin price just to increase there income instead of providing foods to the needier for free.

Positive Effects Of Corona

1. Economical Growth

As we know this corona virus is originated from China, But in early stage China tried to hide news and now this corona take the whole world in his control.

Due to this most of the foreign countries that have there power plants in China ,wants to shift there factories ,power plants and industries from China to India. It may leads in the grow of economy of our country.

2. Environmental Balance

According to science during this lock Down period our Earth is healing itself to become more natural, more comfortable for our future life.

It is necessary for Earth to take a break and heal itself from problems created by human beings.

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